The Runner Stumbles
The Albany Civic Theater produced the drama, The Runner Stumbles, in October and November 2016. The director, Kay Roth, allowed me behind the scenes access during closing weekend of the production. I was able to capture the comradery and professionalism of the nine person cast along with a very supportive and loving crew.
The Albany Civic Theater is an all volunteer, non profit community theater
that produces a year round season of entertainment in Downtown Albany,
Oregon. Located between the bridges It is one of the oldest
and best known community theaters in Oregon.
The small space in the theater allows all of the cast to prepare
for each production side by side with each other. The entire cast
is able to build friendships that help their performance on the stage. |
Sister Rita in The Runner Stumbles was played by Sarah Roth, the daughter of Director Kay Roth. |
The crew helps support the cast during all stages of the performance.
LaVelle Grandy-Brown helps cast member, Jeff McMahon put the final touches
on his suit for his performance as the prosecutor.
Prior to each and every performance Director Kay Roth calls the entire cast
and crew together to share final notes for the performance and to wish each other
the best performance possible. At the end of the discussion all hands
reach into the center of the room and they share last supportive moment before curtain call. |
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